- Does this hood come off? 这风帽能卸下来吗?
- When does this match come off? 什么时候来决胜负?
- Does this machine come to pieces? 这台机器能拆开吗?
- What heading does this come under? 这个编在什么标题之下?
- From what author does this quotation come? 这一引文出自哪位作者?
- One does this by redistributing the aerodynamic load along the wingspan or by incorporating the vortices coming off the horizontal stabilizer. 为了造成这种结果,一个办法是沿著翼展重新分配空气动力负载,或是设法利用机尾水平稳定翼所产生的涡流。
- What word does this phrase come under? 这条片语可在哪个单字下查到?
- One of the buttons has come off my coat. 我上衣上的一颗扣子掉了。
- If this method doesn't come off, we shall have to think of another. 假如这个办法行不通,我们只好另想办法。
- If you keep rubbing, the paint will come off. 你再多擦擦颜色就能掉了。
- The tennis finals will come off tomorrow. 网球决赛将于明天举行。
- He can't bring himself to do this dirty job. 他实在不愿意做这件卑鄙的事。
- These stains won't come off, I'm afraid. 我看,这些污点去不掉。
- It took me just on two hours to do this experiment. 做这个实验大约花了两个小时。
- It's very thoughtful of you to do this for me. 你帮我这个忙真是想得太周到了。
- Did your proposed trip to Rome ever come off? 你提出的到罗马旅行,后来去了吗?
- His knowledge is adequate to do this job well. 他的知识足可胜任这项工作。
- How many feeds a day does this dog get? 这只狗每天吃几顿?
- A button has come off your coat. 你上衣掉了一粒钮扣。
- How many tons does this elephant weigh? 这头大象重多少吨?